Coordinated by European Schoolnet, with the active engagement of the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) network and community, the Matatalab Solution pilot project aims to introduce children aged 3-9 to the basic concepts of coding through hands-on coding gameplays. Fun, creative and collaborative, this ambitious project encourages teachers and children to explore their imaginations and combine collaborative thinking with the playful discovery of the world of coding.
The educational value of Matatalab is based on the principle of The Four Cs of 21st Century Learning: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity. Through the tangible programming tools of Matatalab, children learn many basic programming principles that involve computational thinking. They are, thus, initiated to decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms. With Matatalab, debugging, flow-of-control structure, and sequencing can now be taught without the help of a computer.
Currently, there are 6 following countries selected to test this pilot project: Denmark, Czech Republic, France, Norway, Portugal, and Slovakia. The ambassadors and teachers involved will be invited to test the programme for 7 months and to develop activities to be implemented in each of the participating classrooms over a period of 4 weeks. European Schoolnet and Matatalab, together with the FCL Lead Ambassadors and Innovative Learning Labs (ILL), are committed to providing educational solutions and developing a network of stakeholders who are committed to developing STEM education.
Project phases
The project will consist of six main phases:
1. Identification of KOL or institutions
2. Deliver Matatalab coding sets and online or on-side training by Matatalab or Matatalab partners
3. Workshop for teacher trainees -local training led by FCL Ambassadors or local Matatalab partners
4. Student workshops -local training led by FCL Ambassadors or local Matatalab partners
5. Comments and feedback collected from teachers and students
6. Dissemination activities organized by FCL Ambassadors and local Matatalab partners
For more information
Duration: 2022-2023, 2023-2024
Follow us on social media: #matatalabPilotProgram #Trymatatalab
Join our Facebook group to stay posted on the pilot: Visit group
Visit FCL official page here
More countries and schools are encouraged to participate in this pilot program, feel free to contact us for more details: inquiry@matatalab.com
Ongoing Projects:
1. Portuguese dissemination webinar: click here to watch the recording

2. Israel 2nd round pilot program, learn more