
MatataBot has accidentally wandered into a big maze! This maze is not ordinary, as it has four entrances and exits! Help MatataBot to collect the given graphics along the way for a smooth escape from the maze. There are two versions of playing this game. Version1: Control MatataBot by Control or Coding Mode to reach the corresponding graphics based on the information from the drawn cards; Version 2: Kid A chooses an arbitrary starting point and code MatataBot to reach a graphic; Kid B finalizes a collage based on the information from the picked graphics.


Computational Thinking / Creative Thinking 


Version1: (with Coding Mode)

Please print the attached cards and shapes and cut them out one at a time before the game starts.
shapes (to be cut)

To start the game, place the MatataBot on any starting point and pick a graphic card to identify the shapes that the card is made of.

Code MatataBot to travel from the starting point to collect the shapes all around the maze; the player is considered successful when MatataBot reaches the grid with the target shape on it and stops, and is rewarded with a card for the corresponding shape.

Once collected, the player can put together the shapes into the designated graphic and escape the maze by going to any of the exits!

Version 2: (with Coding Mode)

Please print the attached cards and shapes and cut them out one at a time before the game starts.

1. Think about what design you want to creatively put together before the game begins.

2. Place MatataBot on any starting point and go to collect the desired shapes.

3. For each shape you collect, you'll get a corresponding piece of shape paper!

Once you've collected enough shapes, put them together as you pre-conceived them, and ask mom and dad to guess what it represents!


Coding Set