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How was the Matatalab robot(s) used?
Matatalab Robots is included in integrated activities in mathematics (counting and geometric shapes), drawing, orientation in space and using every week. For thematic activities children with help of adults prepare a mat and a suit for the robot, which makes the lesson more interesting and varied for children. Since children are small, they do not create separate melodies. But children really like to include musical moments in the activity. Children also like to draw with a robot. In the spring, children painted birdhouses for birds using MatataLab.


What skills did it develop?
Observation skills, abstract thinking, logical thinking, logical connection, creativity, divergent thinking, comparison, innovation skills, mathematical skills.


What worked best and what was challenging?
Challenging: - the trajectory of the robot's movement deteriorates over time and it goes to the side. This flaw interferes with drawing activities since the lines do not connect and the drawing does not work. - small robot wheels require a perfectly flat surface. Otherwise the robot does not reach the desired point or stands still. - there are too small discernible images on music chips for programming. It makes it difficult for young children to differ chips from each other. 
The best is: - the robot is separate from the control panel. This allows the robot to move in any direction and use it in different activities. - the shape of the robot allows you to easily make different suits for it.


How did students respond?
Children are always happy to take part in activities with a Matatalab.


Share your comments upon the class using Matatalab
Children, regardless of their character traits, can demonstrate their skills and knowledge. This helps them open up. Children get better math skills.